It is our mission to bring to you a fully traceable yarn that guarantees fair pay to farmers, ensuring the welfare of their animals whilst supporting the sustainability of the British farming industry.
Fair Price. By purchasing from our Wooltrace range you are guaranteeing a fair price is paid to our farmers.
Traceable. Full traceability back to farm. See where your wool came from by typing the batch code into our ‘farm finder’ search box.
Kind. All our farmers are kind to their animals and are signed up to the five freedoms of animal welfare.
British. Grown and spun in the UK. Proudly supporting the British farming industry.

About Wooltrace
Dedicated to making a difference
Wooltrace work with a dedicated group of British farmers whose common goal is to create the best quality wool for our yarn. Coupled with British manufacturing we can capture the short journey of your product back to farm. With consumers being increasingly environmentally conscious now more than ever we feel the need to reduce the impact of fast fashion and fossil fuels by supporting the campaign which nurtures land transformation.

Why Wooltrace?
A driving force for change
Positive, environmental and social change is the driving force behind the Wooltrace initiative. We provide transparency and traceability to all of our products with the back to farm journey. Supporting British Farmers through fair pay is at the heart of what we do along with working to provide renewable, biodegradable yarn to stop the microplastic pollution of our land and oceans.